Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Making Progress...

  1. Run another marathon - Colorado Marathon 5/9/2010
  2. Go to the Zoo - Took Mr. T to Zoo lights on Black Friday!
  3. Take a class
  4. Take 5 year anniversary trip - Hawaii, Oct 2010
  5. Read a book each month (5/32)
  6. Frame/hang photos that I took - Hung flower pics in bathroom
  7. Enter a photography contest
  8. Make a calendar
  9. Go to 5 places in Colorado I have never been (2/5) (Winter Park, Bent's Fort)
  10. Hike a 14er
  11. Fill up a hand written journal
  12. Send 10 cards to family and friends - (10/10)
  13. Visit or see Gator Guy’s Uncle’s, cousins, etc.
  14. Donate to the troops
  15. Host a game night
  16. Take pictures with Santa & The Easter Bunny (1/2)
  17. Get a massage (3/3)
  18. Get a pedicure
  19. Date Night with Gator Guy (10/10)
  20. Plan a girls night out
  21. Send flowers to a family member
  22. Send flowers to a friend
  23. Visit both sets of grandparents (1/2)
  24. Movie night with my mom and mother in law
  25. Get a facial
  26. Try something new with my hairWent darker
  27. Learn to swim
  28. Start a new blog - www.katsplaybook.com
  29. Try 12 new dinner recipes (8/12)
  30. Volunteer for something Youth Track Coach
  31. Give Gator Guy a surprise gift
  32. Plant a garden
  33. Give to a family in need  - Donated to Children's Hospital
  34. Lose all the baby weight - DONE!!!!  Lost all 50lbs in 9 months
  35. Take (or drag) Gator Guy to the Stampede
  36. Take the Tyson to the pool
  37. Floss every day for a month - Dr. BFF K would be so proud!!  And now its a definite habit ;)
  38. Go to the library
  39. Learn how to change the oil in my car
  40. Learn how to mow the lawn
  41. Finish my college scrapbooks
  42. Finish prebaby scrapbooks
  43. Take the Mr. T on a weekend trip somewhere - South Dakota
  44. Plan a girls trip
  45. Paint pottery
  46. Start recycling at home
  47. Visit Glenwood Springs
  48. Rekindle an old friendship - Back in touch with my college dorm roomie, Mellie!
  49. Give Gator Guy a massage
  50. Go to a Gator gameWent to the Gator vs Tenn game on 9/18/09
  51. Print the Mama Says book
  52. Try 5 local restaurants I've never been to (5/5)
  53. Go for a bike ride
  54. Take the Mr. T hiking - (8-23-09 Devil's Head)
  55. Get someone else to run a race
  56. Pay for something for someone else in linePaid for the car in front of us at the FL toll way
  57. Make homemade babyfood
  58. Go to a hot air balloon festival
  59. Take the Dup and Mr. T to the dog park (6/10)
  60. Take Mr T. to Monkey Business
  61. Play tennis with Gator Guy
  62. Take lunch to Gator Guy at work
  63. Go to the museum
  64. Go to Telluride
  65. Inspire someone to create a workout calendar
  66. Attend a festival Parker BBQ Festival
  67. Get my wedding dress cleaned
  68. Have our nieces and nephew over for a sleepover
  69. Keep the TV off for one day
  70. Throw a summer BBQ party (8/29/09)
  71. Spend a weekend without the internet
  72. Run a 1/2 marathon - Georgetown to Idaho Springs
  73. Go to garden of the gods
  74. Scrapbook with a friend
  75. Plan get together with Mom friends
  76. Make dinner for parents (8-14-09)
  77. Make dinner for in-laws (1/2)
  78. Have siblings over for dinner (0/5)
  79. Visit K Smooth at CSU - Made it up there for a football game!  10/24/09
  80. Draft a living will - I feel so grown up!! 
  81. Wake up to watch a sunrise
  82. Go horseback riding
  83. Get a new PR for 5k
  84. New PR for 10k
  85. Write a children's story - Mama Says
  86. Teach someone how to bake a pie
  87. Go to Cave of the Winds
  88. Hike at Castlewood Canyon
  89. Play a full round of golf
  90. Trip to Vail to visit T
  91. Cook a turkey
  92. Learn to play a new song on the piano
  93. Learn to knit
  94. Weekend or night away with the Best Mom in the World
  95. Go camping
  96. Spend a weekend without buying anything or eating out
  97. Finish reading Atlas Shrugged
  98. Fit into a prebaby pair of jeans
  99. Go to an Avs Game
  100. Go to a Bronco Game
  101. Post this list online!!Posted on (9/18/09)

Friday, September 11, 2009

101 Things in 1001 Days

I am often late to the newest trend. And so, here my 101 list to complete in 1001 days. I officially started this list on July 1, 2009 (beginning of the fiscal year…naturally) and so....By the date of March 28, 2012 I would like to complete the following:

  1. Run another marathon
  2. Go to the zoo
  3. Take a class
  4. Take 5 year anniversary trip
  5. Read a book each month (4/32)
  6. Frame/hang photos that I took - Hung flower pics in bathroom
  7. Enter a photography contest
  8. Make a calendar
  9. Go to 5 places in Colorado I have never been
  10. Hike a 14er
  11. Fill up a hand written journal
  12. Send 10 cards to family and friends
  13. Visit or see Ryan’s Uncle’s, cousins, etc.
  14. Donate to the troops
  15. Host a game night
  16. Take pictures with Santa & The Easter Bunny (0/2)
  17. Get a massage (1/3)
  18. Get a pedicure
  19. Date Night with Ryan (0/10)
  20. Plan a girls night out
  21. Send flowers to a family member
  22. Send flowers to a friend
  23. Visit both sets of grandparents (1/2)
  24. Movie night with my mom and MIL
  25. Get a facial
  26. Try something new with my hairWent darker
  27. Learn to swim
  28. Start a new blog - I Play It By Year
  29. Try 12 new dinner recipes (0/12)
  30. Volunteer for something
  31. Give Ryan a surprise gift
  32. Plant a garden
  33. Give to a family in need
  34. Lose all the baby weight - 6 more pounds to go as of 10/15/09
  35. Take Ryan to the Stampede
  36. Take the Tyson to the pool
  37. Floss every day for a month
  38. Go to the library
  39. Learn how to change the oil in my car
  40. Learn how to mow the lawn
  41. Finish my college scrapbooks
  42. Finish prebaby scrapbooks
  43. Take the Ty on a weekend trip somewhere
  44. Plan a girls trip
  45. Paint pottery
  46. Start recycling at home
  47. Visit Glenwood Springs
  48. Rekindle one friendship
  49. Give Ryan a massage
  50. Go to a Gator gameWent to the Gator vs Tenn game on 9/18/09
  51. Print the Mama Says book
  52. Try 5 restaurants I've never been to (0/5)
  53. Go for a bike ride
  54. Take the Tyson hiking (8-23-09 Devil's Head)
  55. Get someone else to run a race
  56. Pay for something for someone else in linePaid for the car in front of us at the FL toll way
  57. Make homemade babyfood
  58. Go to a hot air balloon festival
  59. Take Callaway and the Tyson to the dog park (2/10)
  60. Take Tyson to Monkey Business
  61. Play tennis with Ryan
  62. Take lunch to Ryan at work
  63. Go to the museum
  64. Go to Telluride
  65. Inspire someone to create a workout calendar
  66. Attend a festival
  67. Get my wedding dress cleaned
  68. Have our nieces and nephew over for a sleepover
  69. Keep the TV off for one day
  70. Throw a summer BBQ party (8/29/09)
  71. Spend a weekend without the internet
  72. Run a 1/2 marathon
  73. Go to garden of the gods
  74. Scrapbook with a friend
  75. Plan get together with Baby Yoga friends
  76. Make dinner for parents (8-14-09)
  77. Make dinner for in-laws (1/2)
  78. Have siblings over for dinner (0/5)
  79. Visit Kayla at CSU
  80. Draft a living will
  81. Wake up to watch a sunrise
  82. Go horseback riding
  83. Get a new PR for 5k
  84. New PR for 10k
  85. Write a children's story
  86. Teach someone how to bake a pie
  87. Go to Cave of the Winds
  88. Hike at Castlewood Canyon
  89. Play a full round of golf
  90. Trip to Vail to visit Tori
  91. Cook a turkey
  92. Learn to play a new song on the piano
  93. Learn to knit
  94. Weekend or night away with my Mom
  95. Go camping
  96. Spend a weekend without buying anything or eating out
  97. Finish reading Atlas Shrugged
  98. Fit into a prebaby pair of jeansFinally squeezed into my 4L from Express :)
  99. Go to an Avs Game
  100. Go to a Bronco Game
  101. Post this list online!!Posted on (9/18/09)